
Guðlaug B. Björnsdóttir, Bjartur H. Tryggvason

LG // Litla Gallerý - Guðlaug & Bjartur -2024

Many people are familiar with brain fog, but the cause and experience can be different between people. Like regular fog, brain fog can be light and fairly easy to get through, or it can be thick and intense and clear up slowly. The fog is uncomfortable, slows us down or even blinds us. Mother and son Lauga and Bjartur dedicate this exhibition to Brain fog and approach the subject based on their own experiences. Lauga connects her brain fog to different periods of her life, i.a. childbirth and breastfeeding (breast fog), trauma, stress, burnout and the blessed menopause. Bjartur (15 years old) is well familiar with brain fog despite his young age as a neurodivergent and genderqueer person, based on autism, sensory overload, ADHD and other life challenges. Lauga's pictures are painted with acrylic on canvas and show images of women surrounded by pink brain fog. Bjartur draws his images in Procreate on a tablet and they give us a peek insight into his mind. This is the first show for both of them and they are very excited about this collaboration. They are both self-taught and have both had visual art in their hearts from a young age. Lauga did not particularly believe in her own abilities and therefore did not follow the call from the goddess of art until Bjartur, with his creativity, hard work and playing with the goddess of art, became an inspiration to her mother. He was her motivation to really start. They are now starting their artistic career at the same time and flourishing each in their own way. Bjartur is also aiming for an acting career and is now starting his 3rd year studying at Reykjavik City Theatre School. Exhibition opening is August 15th from 18:00-20:00 and all are welcome! Other opening hours: Friday 16th August 13:00 - 18:00 Saturday 17th August 12:00 - 17:00 Sunday 18th August 14:00 - 17:00 The event is sponsored by the Culture and Tourism Committee of Hafnarfjordur.

Artists: Guðlaug B. Björnsdóttir, Bjartur H. Tryggvason

Curator: Elvar Gunnarsson


15.08.2024 – 18.08.2024


LG // Litla Gallerý

Strandgata 19, 220 Hafnarfjörður, Iceland


Capital AreaExhibitionEvent

Opening hours:

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