Critical Moments

Isa Robertini, J. Pasila

Critical Moments, Gallery Kannski, 2024

Critical moments is an exhibition addressing the time old question of what artists might make if they were trapped in a room for a hundred years. Both Isa Robertini and J. Pasila make meticulous objects out of unnoticed things; rusty tools, dry pasta, the walls of the exhibition space itself. A meditative, obsessive process of care links Robertini’s delicate pasta sculptures with Pasila’s careful photographs of the doorways, scratches, and marks on Kannski’s walls. Together, the artists create a simple, hallucinatory exhibition reflecting on the temporality of the spaces we find ourselves. 

Artists: Isa Robertini, J. Pasila


07.09.2024 – 15.09.2024



Lindargata 66, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland


City CenterExhibitionFree Entry

Opening hours:

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