Of late

Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir, Rannveig Jónsdóttir


Two buoys oat in the sea, they engage in conversation, each word is profound, and they listen sincerely to each other. They nally oat in opposite directions but remain connected by a bond that stretches and contracts on a loop while being pulled at each end.

“Phew, this is starting to make me crazy”, is shouted out and an insignicant occurrence becomes the main focus of both.

With the exhibition Of late, we explore communication and friendships through sculptural works characterized by lightness, each of which can be wrapped in an envelope and sent by post. We examine the drafts of our friendships, the human need to share experiences, and wonder whether it is possible to reward our friends for support and loyalty. In adulthood Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir and Rannveig Jónsdóttir came to the realization that they had actually met for the first time in 1997 when they played together on the beach in Neskaupstaður, Ísafjörður for a day. Strong bonds were formed that day which then lay dormant for fteen years until they met again at the Reykjavik School of Visual Arts.

Artists: Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir, Rannveig Jónsdóttir


13.04.2024 – 05.05.2024


Reykjavík Association of Sculptors- The Sculpture Garden

Nýlendugata 17a, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland


City CenterExhibitionFree Entry

Opening hours:

Always open

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