Group Show of the Year 2023

The Visual Arts Council has selected the fifth, and final, edition of The Wheel as the group show of the year. The Wheel V: All is Well was held in the oldest neighbourhoods of Reykjavík.

Geirþrúður Finnbogadóttir Hjörvar, Minnismerki um gengisfellingar á níunda áratugnum, 2022. Ljósmynd: Pétur Thomsen

The Visual Arts Council has selected the fifth, and final, edition of The Wheel as the group show of the year. The Wheel V: All is Well was held in the oldest neighbourhoods of Reykjavík. The Wheel is a series of five outdoors exhibitions, held annually around the city since 2018 by the Reykjavík Association of Sculptors, leading up to their 50th anniversary on 17 August 2022. Kristín Dagmar Jóhannesdóttir curated this final edition of The Wheel, which took place in postcodes 101, 102 and 107. This time, artworks were installed by eight artists, all of whom are members of the Sculpture Association, except for Swedish artist Ulrika Sparre, who was the exhibition’s international visiting artist.

islensku myndlistarverdlaunin 2023-Steinunn Gunnlaugsdottir. Ljósmynd: Pétur Thomsen

Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir: No One Entertains Themselves With Vandalism. Photo: Pétur Thomsen

islensku myndlistarverdlaunin 2023-Finnur Arnar. Ljósmynd: Pétur Thomsen

Finnur Arnar: Indoor Colours. Photo: Pétur Thomsen

islensku myndlistarverdlaunin 2023-Ragnheidur Gestsdottir. Ljósmynd: Pétur Thomsen

Ragnheiður Gestdóttir: Column II. Photo: Pétur Thomsen

islensku myndlistarverdlaunin 2023-Ulrike Sparre. Ljósmynd: Pétur Thomsen

Urike Sparre: Allt är bra, All is well, Allt í góðu. Photo: Pétur Thomsen

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