Künstlerhaus Bethanien

Künstlerhaus Bethanien provides residencies for Icelandic artists in Berlin. Each residency stay spans one year.

Künstlerhaus Bethanien facility

Icelandic visual artists, or artists with a significant connection to the Icelandic art scene, can apply for a year-long residency stay at Künstlerhaus Bethanien.

The next deadline for applications will be summer 2025.

The Ministry of Culture and the Viljandi, Memorial Fund funded the project.

About the residency

Künstlerhaus Bethanien was founded in 1974 and is one of the most prestigious and distinguished art venues in Germany. Normally, around 25 artists worldwide work at the venue, which offers an international network of contacts and collaborations within the contemporary art scene. The residency allows participating artists access to a powerful, international contact network; curators, museum staff, journalists and others who work in the field. The Künstlerhaus also organises exhibitions, publishing and events for the artists-in-residence. While there, each artist holds a solo exhibition, planned by Künstlerhaus Bethanien. On offer is a private studio, 40 m2 in size, and full access to workshops and a library. The resident artist can live in the studio if they so wish, as it contains a kitchenette and a bed. Artists who have been working for a while and are interested in seeking opportunities outside Iceland are preferred, and we assume they have exhibited their work in museums and known exhibition halls here and abroad.

Künstlerhaus Bethanien facility

Workshop facility

Kunstlerhaus Bethanien studio


Kunstlerhaus Bethanien library


Kunstlerhaus Bethanien front

Künstlerhaus Bethanien


Make sure to attach the following supporting materials to your application:



Introductory letter

A brief account of how the artist intends to make use of his stay, goals, and expectations.

Articles and media coverage if applicable

If the applicant wishes, a letter of recommendation may also be sent with the application. Note that all application documents must be in English.

Evaluation process

Preselection of candidates will be carried out by the Icelandic Art Center’s professional committee, but the final selection is in the hands of Künstlerhaus Bethanien.

Please note that all application documents must be in English.

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