Kling & Bang

Kling & Bang

Kling & Bang was established by ten artists in the beginning of 2003. The policy of Kling & Bang gallery is to introduce emerging and established, national and international artists and their works, that challenge the context and content of creative thinking. Kling & Bang often collaborates with outside curators and galleries on various projects. Kling & Bang gallery also aim to participate directly in the process of creating the artworks, e.g. by producing the works in collaboration with the exhibitors. 


Marshall House, Grandagarður 20, 101 Reykjavík



Artist RunWheelchair AccessFree Entry

Opening hours:

Wed – sun: 12:00 – 18:00

Marshallhouse front
Lucky 3, Lucky me?, 2019, installation view at Kling & Bang. Photo: Kling & Bang

Lucky 3, Lucky me?, 2019

Tilnefningar 2019 - Fritz Hendrik - Draumareglan

Fritz Hendrik IV, Draumareglan, 2018

Páll Haukur, death of an object, 2018, installation view at Kling & Bang. Photo: Lilja Birgisdóttir

Páll Haukur, death of an object, 2018

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