SÍM Barn, Korpúlfsstaðir

sim korpulfsstadir 2024

The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists gallery space.


Thorsvegur 1, 112 Reykjavík



Cultural Center

Opening hours:

On Common Ground 2020

On Common Ground, 2020

On Common Ground: Kristin Reynisdóttir, Swing, 2020

On Common Ground, 2020

On Common Ground: Anna Eyjólfs, Lost World – New World, 2020

On Common Ground, 2020

On Common Ground:Gudrita Vape, Staðbundin Þekking (Local Knowledge) [Vietinės Žinios], 2020

On Common Ground, 2020

On Common ground: Kaia Dobrowolska, Strategies for Subsisting, 2020

On Common Ground, 2020

Ongoing exhibitions and events

Follow us on Facebook – Instagram

Amanda Riffo - house of purkinje - 2023
Dozie, Precious
Hildigunnur BIRGISDÓTTIR, Approx. 7% (2024), Icelandic Pavilion
ÍMV 2024 handhafar Ljósmynd: Sunday & White
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