Icelandic Art: Artists and Influences

Icelandic Art: Artists and Influences
Icelandic Art: Artists and Influences

Icelandic Art: Artist and Influences

An online discussion on the uniqueness of Icelandic Art and Artists and the major influences at work. The talk is between Markus Thor Andresson, chief curator at the Reykjavík Art Museum and Tina Rivers Ryan, Curator at the Albright-Knox Museum in Buffalo, NY and Gregory Volk a renowned art critic and freelance curator.

The discussion succeeds the screening of a short video series highlighting the creative arts in Iceland. Presented by Iceland Naturally and the Icelandic Art Center, one episode will be released each Thursday @ 3pm EST for four weeks from April 22 to May 13. The series highlights different aspects and periods of Icelandic art and features knowledgeable speakers including the Director of the National Gallery of Iceland and the Director of the Reykjavik Art Museum, among many more.


Gregory Volk is a New York-based art critic and freelance curator. He writes regularly for Art in America, where he is a contributing editor, and his articles and reviews have also appeared in many other publications, including Hyperallergic, Parkett and Sculpture.

Markús Þór Andrésson (b. 1975) is chief curator of exhibitions and public engagement at Reykjavík Art Museum. He studied fine art at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts from 1997-2001 and curatorial studies at the CCS Bard College in USA from 2005-2007. Prior to joining the RAM-team, in 2017, he worked independently in Reykjavík, New York and Berlin. He has curated numerous art exhibitions, written about art and directed several documentaries and TV programs on art.

Tina Rivers Ryan, Assistant curator at Albright-Knox is an art historian and curator specializing in art since the 1960s. Although broadly trained in Western art, her particular expertise is in the field of media art, including video, digital, and internet art. Throughout her career, Dr. Ryan has worked with some of the world’s leading arts institutions and organizations, including The Met, MoMA, and Artforum. She holds five degrees in art history, including a BA from Harvard and PhD from Columbia.

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