Icelandic Visual Arts Fund: online workshop in English


The Icelandic Art Center is facilitating an online workshop in English for applicants applying for the upcoming deadline of the Icelandic Visual Arts Fund.

The workshop will be held on Thursday, August 15 at 14:00 (GMT) via Google Meet. The maximum number of participants is 20 and the duration is 60 min.

The workshop will cover the application form, writing tips, budget details, financing, and supplementary documents. A preview of the application form can be viewed here.

Please note that registration is mandatory:

About the fund:

The deadline for the autumn application round of the Icelandic Visual Arts Fund in 2024 is at 16.00 on Monday, August 19.

Further details about the call here

Useful links:

Icelandic Visual Arts Fund webpage

The Visual Art Act 2012 nr. 64


If questions arise please contact via email

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