Ordinary Pictures

Ívar Brynjólfsson, Kristín Sigurðardóttir, Lukas Kindermann, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir, Tine Bek

Venjulegar myndir Gerðarsafn

The exhibition Ordinary Pictures shows the photographs of Ívars Brynjólfsson in dialogue with the works of Emma Heiðarsdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Joe Keys, Kristín Sigurðardóttir, Lukas Kindermann, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir and Tine Bek. Their works share a common element in that they pay the utmost attention to the smallest details, distort everyday life by flattening it or transforming it in various ways. During the exhibition, a conversation develops between Ívar’s series of photographs from 1991-2023 and sculptures, video works and photographic works by the other artists which arise from our perception of the world around us.

The exhibition opens in two stages, the subject matter and the approach of the artists developing and changing between the exhibition spaces.

Ordinary Places will open in the west hall of Gerðarsafn on January 13th, where photography is examined with works that refer to non-places, the everyday and its distortion.

Ordinary Pictures opens in the east hall of Gerðarsafn on February 10th, where the practicalities of photography will be explored with references to the nature of the medium itself and the relationship between photography and science, as well as natural phenomena.

Artists: Ívar Brynjólfsson, Kristín Sigurðardóttir, Lukas Kindermann, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir, Tine Bek

Curators: Brynja Sveinsdóttir, Hallgerður Hallgrímsdóttir


10.02.2024 – 31.03.2024


Gerðarsafn Art Museum

Hamraborg 4, 200 Kópavogur, Iceland


Capital AreaExhibitionWheelchair Access

Opening hours:

Daily: 12:00 – 18:00

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