Ordinary Places

Ívar Brynjólfsson, Emma Heiðarsdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Joe Keys, Tine Bek

Gerðarsafn Venjulegir staðir

The photograph is a powerful phenomenon. So incredibly flat, only dots on a sheet or a screen. Stuck in the second dimension, where both its magic and limitations lie. Yet it evokes a feeling of space and material. We perceive the image, believe in it, even if its truth can only be found in the mind of the viewer. 

The origin of this exhibition lies in the photograph which is explored through works in other media. As if the photo has reached too far out of the flatness and transformed into something else.

Artists: Ívar Brynjólfsson, Emma Heiðarsdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Joe Keys, Tine Bek

Curators: Brynja Sveinsdóttir, Hallgerður Hallgrímsdóttir


13.01.2024 – 31.03.2024


Gerðarsafn Art Museum

Hamraborg 4, 200 Kópavogur, Iceland


Capital AreaExhibitionWheelchair Access

Opening hours:

Daily: 12:00 – 18:00

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