
Arnar Herbertsson (1933- 2024)

Arnar Herbersson safnasafnid

Safnasafnið pays tribute to Arnar Herbersson, who passed away earlier this year, with an exhibition of rare prints he made between 1967 and 1971. In 2016, Arnar donated the printed plates of graphic works from this period to the National Museum of Iceland, and at that time they began to preserve and research them with the aim of exhibiting and disseminating them to art lovers. The works are an important and unusual monument to Arnar's contribution to printmaking in Iceland.

The graphic works from this period in Arnar Herbertsson's artistic career are scenes where the subject is the human being, confused and weak in the mechanized world of technology and salesmanship. The upheaval of the psyche, the inner tension and the vulnerability of the human condition are Herbertsson's main themes. The works were produced in intaglio printing in the years 1967-1971, reprinted 2024

Artist: Arnar Herbertsson (1933- 2024)


12.05.2024 – 22.09.2024


The Icelandic Folk and Outsider Art Museum

Svalbarðseyri, 601 Akureyri, Iceland


NorthExhibitionWheelchair Access

Opening hours:

May 12 – Sep 22. Daily 10 – 17

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