The Icelandic Art Prize 2024

The Icelandic Art Prize 2024 was awarded on March 14th in Reykjavík. The awards provide recognition to outstanding visual artists and exhibitions. 

Art Prize publication 2024

The awarding of the Icelandic Art Prize provides an opportunity to look back over the past year in the visual arts, giving us a chance to review which exhibitions and projects stood out and reflect on that which was especially significant and noteworthy. This is now the seventh time the Art Prize is awarded.

Myndlistarverðlaunin utgafa 2024

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Amanda Riffo - house of purkinje - 2023
Dozie, Precious
Hildigunnur BIRGISDÓTTIR, Approx. 7% (2024), Icelandic Pavilion
ÍMV 2024 handhafar Ljósmynd: Sunday & White
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