Flóra Culture House


Flóra is located in Sigurhæðir in a green oasis just below the church in Akureyri city center. In one of North Iceland's oldest cultural gems - originally the home and workspace of Guðrún and Matthías Jochumsson - we run studios, event space and realize projects, also the edition Pastel series. We mediate and show the works of artists, designers, farmers and creative minds. On the main floor and in the garden, we combine the cultural heritage of the house Sigurhæðir with fresh art in a yearly show. In our 2024 show, the visual artists Ingibjörg Sigurjónsdóttir and Kjartan Ragnarsson exhibit their works. Here you can also enjoy some wild local herbs in a tea or slow brewed coffee in the atmosphere of an artist's home from around 1900. Or just browse around and enjoy the spectacular view.


Sigurhæðir, Eyrarlandsvegur 3, 600 Akureyri



Cultural Center

Opening hours:

May 11 - Nov. 11. Daily: 9am – 3pm

Follow us on Facebook – Instagram

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