Nýp Project Space

Nyp 2024

Nýp Project Space is a "non-profit" forum for collaboration and dialogue about art / space, with a focus on the nature and culture in Breiðafjörður. One exhibition will be set up annually, with new works made especially for the space. In the year before the exhibition is set up, the artists invited to create new work are given the opportunity to stay for a while at Nýp to prepare for the project.


Skarðsströnd, 371 Búðardalur


Project Space

Opening hours:

See website

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Amanda Riffo - house of purkinje - 2023
Dozie, Precious
Hildigunnur BIRGISDÓTTIR, Approx. 7% (2024), Icelandic Pavilion
ÍMV 2024 handhafar Ljósmynd: Sunday & White
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