Sculptural Diversity in Fibers and Wood

Sigurjón Ólafsson, Anni Bloch

Anni Bloch

Exhibit­ion of sculp­tur­es by the Dan­ish text­ile artist Anni Bloch and Ice­land­ic sculp­tor Sigur­jón Ólafss­on. They have both cre­at­ed un­con­venti­onal sculp­tur­es us­ing old trad­iti­onal hand­crafts. Both of them have work­ed with nat­ur­al mat­eri­als and made full use of the pos­si­bil­iti­es that the mater­ial al­lowed. Most of Anni Bloch's works are made in silk with needle and thread in the same way as has been done from the be­g­inn­ing of civil­izat­ion. The works by Sigur­jón Ólafs­son ex­hibit­ed here are carv­ed in wood, fre­quent­ly with add-on pieces.

Artists: Sigurjón Ólafsson, Anni Bloch


31.05.2024 – 15.09.2024


Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum

Laugarnestangi 70, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland


Capital AreaExhibitionWheelchair Access

Opening hours:

Jun 1 — Sep 15. Tue — Sun: 1 — 5pm

Sep 16 — May 31. Sat — Sun: 1 —5pm

Dec — Jan: Closed

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