About the Icelandic Visual Arts Fund

The Icelandic Visual Arts Fund was established in 2013. The role of the Fund is to financially support Icelandic visual art as well as other related tasks.

The Visual Arts Council is responsible for the operational and financial administration of the Visual Arts Fund. The council and fund operate under the Visual Arts Act and regulations set by the minister. Althingi decides in the annual Budget Act on an appropriation for the fund.

Application rounds are twice a year. Assessment committees evaluate the applications and make recommendations for the Visual Arts Council.


Please send inquiries and suggestions to info@myndlistarsjodur.is

Grant recipients

List of grant recipients since 2013.

leiðbeiningar við gerð umsóknar

Visual Arts Council

The Visual Art Council consists of five members who are appointed for a three-year term: Ásdís Mercedes Spanó, Anna Jóhannsdóttir, Hlynur Helgason, Margrét Elísabet Ólafsdóttir and Katrín Elvarsdóttir.

New Visual Arts Council appointed

The Funds logo

When promoting projects supported with a grant from the Visual Arts Fund, the name of the Visual Arts Fund must be stated, whether electronically or in print: Myndlistarsjóður / Icelandic Visual Arts Fund.

The Visual Arts Fund logo 2023

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