Information for recipients

Terms and conditions

When promoting projects that are supported with a grant from the Icelandic Visual Arts Fund, the name of the Fund must be stated, whether electronically or in print: Myndlistarsjóður / Icelandic Visual Arts Fund

Grant recipients of publication grants are obliged to hand in a copy of the publication to the IAC office.


Grants are paid after the recipient has requested payment via email Please not that payments can take up 4-8 weeks.

Grants under ISK 800,000 are paid in a single payment.

Grants over ISK 800,000 are paid in two instalments: upon allocation, the recipient receives 80% of the total amount and the remaining 20% after a final report has been submitted for the project.

A grant allocation is cancelled if the grant is not collected before the Fund’s next application deadline, unless otherwise agreed with the Visual Arts Council.

An applicant who is for any reason unable to work on a project may refuse the grant.


A final report, in electronic format, must be received by the Visual Arts Council no later than three months after the project ends, unless otherwise agreed before the end of the project.

The report should include information about:

  • how the project progressed, its achievements and results.
  • how the grant was used, costs, other grants, and revenue.
  • whether changes were made to the criteria for the project, its aims, schedule, organisation, or costs, and if so why.

If grants are awarded based on a longer time frame, an annual progress report for the project must be submitted.

Changes or delays of projects

A recipient who is for any reason unable to work on a project may decline the grant.

If a project is delayed, grant recipients should inform the Visual Art Council no later than one year later than grant confirmation letter is dated. The request should be clearly justified and submitted by email to Furthermore, where relevant, grant recipients may be rejected for new grant until, in the Visual Arts Council’s opinion, matters have been rectified.

Reimbursement may be demanded if a project that has received a grant has not been executed in accordance with the application and the documents on which the grant was based, if the project has not been carried out according to the Icelandic Visual Arts Fund’s terms, or if a final report has not been submitted within one year of the end of the project, unless a special application has been made to postpone and/or change the project.

The Funds logo

When promoting projects supported with a grant from the Visual Arts Fund, the name of the Visual Arts Fund must be stated.

IVAF logo white 16:9

Contact: Please send inquiries and suggestions to

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