Apply for a grant from the Icelandic Visual Arts Fund

Upcoming deadlines

The deadline for the spring application round in 2025 will be announced later.

The Fund supports the following:

  • preparatory grants are awarded for the preparation and development of major projects
  • exhibition grants
  • publication, research, and other grants 

About application rounds

Application rounds are twice a year; February and August.

The deadline for applications is at 16.00 on the final application day, as advertised.

Applications and accompanying documents arriving after the application deadline are invalid and will not be considered by the Fund.

Applicants are required to use Electronic ID.

Grant amounts and funding 

The fund awards grants up to ISK 3,000,000, and the minimum amount is not less than ISK 300,000.

The fund covers up to 70% of the estimated total cost of a project, and hence applicants must cover 30%.


Tel: +354 562 72 62

Eligible applicants

Visual artists, curators, art historians, and self-employed professionals in the visual art field can apply for grants for defined projects.

Art museums, art galleries, exhibition venues, organizations, and associations can receive funding from the Visual Arts Fund for defined projects, and the name of the person representing the organization or association must be clearly identified as the contact person for the project.

If an applicant has previously been awarded a grant from the Visual Arts Fund, a final report for that grant must have been received before a new application is considered.

Q & A

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We have collected common questions and answers together in one place.


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